Directions to Christ the King
From Liberty, south on US 127 to Hwy 910/501, turn left. At the stop sign, head straight on 501 approx. 3 miles to Chestnut Level (just past Davenports Grocery) turn right. Bear right on Halon Young Rd. go about 1.5 miles. Christ the King will be on the right.
Holy Eucharist Sunday 10:30 AM
Early morning Mass Wednesday 7 AM
Early morning Mass Wednesday 7 AM
Evening Prayer Thursday 7 PM
Mid-day Mass Friday 12:15 PM
Youth Night Every second and fourth Friday Evening 7:00 PM -- 9:30 PM
Friday, October 30, 2009
Construction Day...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Construction Day 2
Monday, October 19, 2009
Construction Day 1

Friday, October 16, 2009
Making Room for You
This coming week, will see the rest of this section framed and dry. Check back next week for updated pictures and a progress report. Although it is an exciting time for Christ Community, it's not just about the building. Buildings are resources. They are tools for serving others. The church is the people. We are excited about the potential this building holds for serving the people of Casey county, Kentucky. "Come to Him, that living stone, rejected by men but in God's sight chosen and precious; and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 2:4-5 RSV) If you are in the area, come and be part what God is building.
Once we were no people, now we are God's people; once we had not received mercy, but now we have received mercy. His mercy and grace is available to you.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
In God's Time

In preparation for the team scheduled for this coming weekend (October 10) we needed to get our blocks filled and anchor bolts set. My boys and I were going to work on this task, mixing concrete by hand to fill the necessary sections of the block. We weren't planning on meeting anyone, we were just going to do it ourselves. As we came over the hill toward the Church's drive way, a cement truck was pulling in ahead of us.
We followed the truck down the driveway, wondering what might be the meaning of this strange event, since we had not ordered any concrete, we were going to mix it by hand. When we got back to the church building, Jerome, and a couple other boys were there getting ready to fill the block. Timing could not have been better. In fact, it was perfect. It was a "God thing" from the beginning.
It seems that a neighbor was pouring concrete that morning. When he found out that we were planning on filling the blocks, he offered us what ever was left in the truck. The driver was kind enough to drive over to the church yard, and empty his rig there, so that we could use the ready mix. Our family just happened to arrive at precisely the right time. Praise the Lord! Blocks filled, anchor bolts set, in about 3 hours. It was an unbelievable morning.
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1300 Halon Young Rd., Liberty, Kentucky
For more info contact: Fr. Bob Lemmon call or text at (606) 303-4537.
For more info contact: Fr. Bob Lemmon call or text at (606) 303-4537.